Monday, 3 December 2007

US litigation software and support vendors - listen up

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There are two things about litigation software and support vendors that are a certainty: In America there is an enormous market of law firms to sell to and in America there are millions of vendors battling in the space "like herding cats" one Canadia tech purchaser said at LegalTech. The dominant software in the US for law firms is litigation and litigation support service, although I guess most of you got eaten up by big players recently. However in the UK, the second market that US vendors try to dominate, we have just twenty two (at the last count) dedicated litigation support managers in law firms; country laws that just don't support a litigation culture and to cap it all strong data laws that don't allow data transfer to any other country in formulaic ways, let alone to the USA.

Yet despite these glaring signs that we havent got the same sort of business available in the UK for lit' software suppliers, I get litigation after litigation vendor at my door step with bright, white smiles, asking how best they should scoop up market share in the UK. This is in the face of some pretty high profile launches and relaunches here by extremely big name brands that have done nothing more than spend up a big champagne budget and ring the same people.

My advice to you all, before you just think I need to take some positive pills. We have seen it all before. We don't have as much business as the US, we may smile and take your meeting but you will hear a heavy sigh on your departure and probably get your calls voice mailed out from there on in. Just partner. You need to meet Nigel Murry at Trilantic. You need to meet the guys in the UK at LDM. They are your only route to success, honestly!

And for what its worth, I know most of the law firms use a bit of everyones software but there is general agreement that Lexis Nexis Concordance really can handle those big, big trials and really does do what it says in the spin.

The litigation support industry is said to have a universe of s£1.6 billion to get hold of and vendors report growth rates of 35% a year.

For more peer stuff, look at ILTA

1 comment:

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