The life and times of a technology purchaser in a law firm and their vendor friends. I also run a wealth management site
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
Saturn27 launch
An independent consultant, not aligned or reselling any vendors products, launches in London. (Saturn27).
1 comment:
Hello: Please send this to everyone you know: Thank you, Ted: O} 360-336-3057 PST USA Networking: Lost my source to the world’s super investors! The SEC & FBI have shut them down; four of them are under a Federal Criminal Fraud Investigation because they decided after working for the network that works with the world’s 360 most rich/powerful person for @8 years. That was a major mistake; you don't make the illuminate MAD..... If you know any super investors: We are more than ready, they had offered 1 Billion at $20 Mil. per month starting October 1st! Hiring 3,500+ after we start… If you require more documents: send me a direct email: We have already provided to the SEC*FBI*DnB 60+ Fraud Investors…….If you’re not credited*registered*Super Investor, then don’t waste our time! Remember: I’ve had it with Fraud Investors: part or my corporation goals is to help STOP Fraud Investors and Spammers! I will ONLY work with certified*registered super investors. Thanks, Ted
Citytech is a blustery look at technology vendors and interviews with tech purchasers. We take the shine off the press releases and ask "what on earth is it you are selling?" Tech vendors tend to like because we peel down the layers and just say"oh its another BPM offering" something they can rarely do themselves because they are too obsessed by PR. We make the techno life simple, hopefully!
You can contact me any time on (just take off the xx: to get the right email. Am just saving myself from le spammers).
Citytech has a sister publication Citywealth. These are photos from its recent October 07 event
Hotel de Paris Monte Carlo with French law firm Tiraud Naudin, Swiss trustees: Close Trustees and Tracy Mattes, famous US 400 metre Olympic hurdler.
Citywealth MonteCarlo
Lawrence Graham, Moore Stephens, Merrill Lynch attendees
The Citywealth MonteCarlo event dancers
Folies Bergere French cultural style
The Folie Bergere dancers
Citywealth event 10th October 2007
Meet banks, law and accountancy firms and trustees in offshore locations
Hey tech vendors, did you know that I run a tech newsletter from London called Citytech and it also has a sister publication Citywealth. Citytech hits the desks of purchasers around the world (as far flung as Chile and Canada) and Citywealth hits the desktops and devices of senior management in law and accountancy firms, wealth management banks and trust companies offshore. Citytech has a BIG top 100 global tech leaders list each year where you can nominate key individuals. Just send me an e. Citywealth runs global events in America, Monaco and London where you can meet and pitch the bosses of the wealth management world.
Jiglu Autotag widget
This site is owned by Karen Jones and run as informal advice centre for those in tech purchasers in the legal industry. The opinions Karen expresses are her own or from interviews with industry experts, but as with all advice of this nature, your circumstance will be individual, so no action that could affect buying decisions should be taken unless you have additionally consulted a professional or sought further independent advice or recommendations. Although every endeavour is taken to provide timely and correct information, as time passes it is wise to re check the informal advice and also to understand that as each moment passes, new information may arrive that will retire information held on this site. I write and behave with good faith, revealing a fascinating industry, which is very complex and difficult to understand and am happy at all times to correct, amend or add any information that will assist the reader. Contact me via my publishing company My email: kjones (at)
1 comment:
Please send this to everyone you know: Thank you, Ted: O} 360-336-3057 PST USA
Networking: Lost my source to the world’s super investors! The SEC & FBI have shut them down; four of them are under a Federal Criminal Fraud Investigation because they decided after working for the network that works with the world’s 360 most rich/powerful person for @8 years. That was a major mistake; you don't make the illuminate MAD.....
If you know any super investors: We are more than ready, they had offered 1 Billion at $20 Mil. per month starting October 1st! Hiring 3,500+ after we start…
If you require more documents: send me a direct email:
We have already provided to the SEC*FBI*DnB 60+ Fraud Investors…….If you’re not credited*registered*Super Investor, then don’t waste our time!
Remember: I’ve had it with Fraud Investors: part or my corporation goals is to help STOP Fraud Investors and Spammers! I will ONLY work with certified*registered super investors.
Thanks, Ted
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